Thursday, September 20, 2007

Hw 9- Waldman Interview

First I would like to start off by saying this was my favorite narrative I’ve read yet. The interview with Ayelet Waldman was attention grabbing and very interesting. I found what she said about women’s blog’s to be very fascinating as well. I think blogging is a totally different way to express yourself then writing. Waldman is the author of six books and still found it necessary to write a web blog. Waldman is right when she says blogging is like a confessional. It’s a way to let out your feelings which many people find hard to do. Although I agree with Waldman up to a point, I cannot accept all that she says. I find her remarks on how snarky people have to be, to be false. I feel like in the blogging world you don’t always have to be rude and aggressive to be heard. That’s the great thing about blogging anyone can be heard for anything. I love how Waldman describes the infertility blog as an inspiration to her to blog. She describes this blog many times in her interview. A part that stuck out to me was when she describes how many people feel such immense pain and write about it in this blog. She says the female blogging community can also let out such emotion and love in certain blogs. I feel as though this is why so many mothers and women blog. It is a place to feel accepted and nurtured. Many women long to feel that way. Overall, this interview really opened my eyes to many other blog’s and to see blogging in a different light.

1 comment:

Tracy Mendham said...

Excellent post--meets all requirements of assignment.