Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Hw3- my views on "Towards a more participatory democracy"

After reading Kline’s “Towards a More Participatory Democracy” I was shocked by all the information I never knew about the relationship between politics and blogging. I’ve always believed that the media plays and important role in the campaigns of politicians but this article really opened my eyes. To sum up this article, it spoke about how political blogs have a big affect on campaigns. It also talked about how so many Americans do not believe in the media and how many people in politics look down upon blogging claiming that no one looks at it. What really surprised me about this reading was how many big events in politics were first announced in blogs. Many people assume that when something big happens in politics they first hear it on the TV or in magazines. After reading this article, I learned that “It was the conservative blog that first published information exposing as forgeries the documents that Dan Rather used in his 60 minutes story on President Bush’s service in the National Guard(and yes, Rather soon resigned as CBS Evening News anchor as well.)(Kline 12).” This came as a shock to me because now it turns out bloggers are turning into the best most truthful journalists out there. I also found it interesting that bloggers themselves are actually people working in politics. It’s shocking that some of these blogs are actually people exposing there coworkers. I wonder how many other blogs are run by people who are famous that we never even knew about.

1 comment:

Tracy Mendham said...

Good--summarizes and responds to the chapter, as requested, and it's good that you remember to name the text that you're responding to right in the beginning of the post.
Just a minor punctuation note for MLA-style in-text citations: the parenthetical citation goes after the ending quotation mark and before the final period.