Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Hw 18-Destroying Women

The blog written on October 7th 2007 entitled Destroying Women really affected me. Posted on the Feministe blog by Jill it was mainly about rape in Congo. I didn’t dislike this post because it was poorly written or did not display information well but more because it was so sad It can be found at http://www.feministe.us/blog/archives/2007/10/07/destroying-women/. Alexandra Bilak comments “It’s gone beyond the conflict,” said Alexandra Bilak, who has studied various armed groups around Bukavu, on the shores of Lake Kivu. She said that the number of women abused and even killed by their husbands seemed to be going up and that brutality toward women had become “almost normal.” Malteser International, a European aid organization that runs health clinics in eastern Congo, estimates that it will treat 8,000 sexual violence cases this year, compared with 6,338 last year. The organization said that in one town, Shabunda, 70 percent of the women reported being sexually brutalized”. This part was the most shocking to me. I feel like the United States has worked so hard to not demoralize women and we did not even realize that it was happening all over the world. This article saddened me because it opened my eyes to the fact that so many other parts of the world are in need of help and guidance. If this help and guidance is not received then how are they expected to get better.

1 comment:

Tracy Mendham said...

This is indeed a sad and disturbing article, and you make clear why it's your least favorite post of the week.
One part of your post I'm concerned about, though, is the long quote that hasn't been set off with quotation marks, a block quote, or a signal phrase. A reader would assume that you presenting this whole section as your own writing, from "Alexandra Bilak..." to "..The organization said that...". To give the impression that someone else's writing is your own is plagiarism, (even if it's accidental).